How To Get a Guy to Like You More

The question is how to get a man to like you? Ever wonder how to get him to have eyes only for you? Is there a way to make certain playing hard to get won’t blow up in your face?

7 min readOct 26, 2020


Truth be told, leading a man on can appear to be meanly cruel. But you can find the balance and figure out how to use the expert studies to make a man chase you.

The more a guy chases you, the more he’s going to want you to a point.

So what’s the issue?

Well, the issue is knowing where to draw the line. What’s the time limit to wait for him to capture you? To what degree do you need to make him work? When will he lose interest in you?

When you play the hard to get card, you are on the right track. This won’t only increase his desire for you, but it will start any relationship connection on your terms. It will be fun for the both of you!

Men naturally love the thrill of the chase and when he finally lands you, he will be ever so proud.

Just be wary that you must allow him to grab you at some point.

What the experts say you need to do is first lure him in and get him interested in you. Make sure he knows you are keen on getting to know him better, but he will need to work hard to grab your undivided attention.

Another route is to ensure the chase game is crazy exciting. What this does is keep him interested and for that the sky is the limit. Anticipation speaks for itself.

What’s important is you need to know all the tactical moves to make a man chase you and then you need to dig deep to make it happen.

Should you chase a man?

It is normal for guys to chase after women. This is because men are hardwired to chase whatever they desire. There are moments when you will come across a man you love and desire and you’d like him to chase after you. What do you do if the man doesn’t show interest in you? For some women, they will not have a problem chasing after dudes and will always take the lead in such circumstances. Some men can be turned off by this behavior.

This is particularly because men enjoy doing the chase themselves. The moment a woman throws herself at him, it means he won’t have much to do. If you want to make a man chase after you, there are several tricks that you can use.


The first thing you need to maintain the chase is to stop chasing him.

How can your man chase you, if you are the one chasing him?

This means you need to hold back a little. When I say “hold back,” I don’t mean withholding your love and affection. This simply means you need to let him be the first one to contact you for a change — whether it be a simple text or a phone call. No matter how much you “miss” your man, holding back a little makes you seem like a challenge, and men find this appealing.

Here’s a simple truth: For men, pursuing a woman who doesn’t seem that interested in them looks more unattainable (hence, challenging) than one who shows how interested she is from the onset.

Remember, you might have given him your “yes,” but it doesn’t mean he is going to be your whole world.

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Show confidence to make the man chase you

Confidence is one of the greatest traits that any woman should have. When you exude confidence it will be easy to grab the attention of a man. Once he gets intrigued, he will be drawn to you. Once you believe that you are a great catch, the man will also believe the same. He will know that if he doesn’t treat you well, you will leave him you for the right man.

One fact that you need to know is that men love women who have confidence. This also applies to women. Whenever a confident person comes into a room, you will always find yourself looking at them. Your goal is to draw his attention and there is no better way to do that than exuding confidence. Once you appear confidence, it will look as if you are not only interested in a man and this will make the guy desire you more.

Remember To Keep Your Friends Close

When starting a new relationship, it can be easy to forget about your friends for a little while. Remember your friends matter too. They are the ones picking up the pieces whenever a man breaks your heart, buying you gallons of ice cream, and letting you cry on their shoulder. Feel free to vent your frustrations about your man to them, as they can be good at giving an unbiased opinion on the matter.

Also, share good things about your man too because your friends should know you’re dating a good person. Don’t feel bad about leaving your man at home for the night for much-needed girl time. Having equal time with your friends can help keep your relationship healthy.

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Keep yourself busy

If you want to make the guy start chasing you, you must stop making yourself available to him or you will make him feel special. He will be left guessing who or what keeps you occupied. You will not want your crush to feel so special that your universe seems to revolve around him. Therefore, use this time to do the things that have always excited you like going to the beach or enjoying your hobbies.

Ensure that you avoid getting bored at all costs as this is what will cause you to miss him and reach out to him. When you have a life to enjoy, you will be contented with seeing him only once in a while and this will ensure that your relationship with him remains fresh. The longer the period that you stay away from him, the more he is going to miss you.

Have your own personal space to make the man chase you

At times, we get into a relationship and immediately make the man occupy every space in our lives. We keep thinking about where the man is, what he is doing and with whom.

You need to remember that even before he came into your life, you already had your own life. When you become needy and clingy, this may end up killing attraction as he’ll feel either suffocated by your attention, or his ego will inflate and he’ll become overly confident. While there is nothing wrong with showing a man that you are committed to him, when you do this in the extreme, it will only serve to make him feel extra important. Let the man give you space for shopping and engaging in your favorite activities. This will show him that you are independent.

Know What To Keep To Yourself

You should never feel like you have to lie to your man, but sometimes some details are better left unsaid. If that one night stand isn’t directly related to him in any way, leave it in the dark. There is no need for him to know all your dirty secrets.

Be Open And Honest

Does your man care immensely about trust? Then make it a point to always be open and honest with him. If he asks you a question you’d prefer not answer, be honest and let him know you are uncomfortable talking about certain things from your past. Reassure him that one day you may feel comfortable enough to share. Uncovering lies later in your relationship can create a messy argument and cause him to lose respect for you. Even white lies can snowball into an elaborate story, creating an avalanche you can’t dig yourself out of.

Don’t Compromise Who You Are

It’s easy to get caught up in your man and change who you are to be more in line with what you perceive to be his ‘ideal’ girl. He picked you for a reason, so don’t get too caught up in what you can change about yourself. Becoming someone else can set up false expectations, so stay true to who you are, and if he’s right for you, he’ll stick around.

Men love two things: the chase, and the thrill of the chase.

They love pursuing you, and they love the challenge and tension pursuing you brings. You can even compare the chase to a game. And don’t we all agree that men love games?

But don’t fret. Games are beneficial in a relationship when they are done in the spirit of love and fun.

I have come up with these methods to ensure you get to maintain the chase in the relationship. Long-term relationships and even marriage are what many women hope for, and knowing how to maintain the chase is essential to keep the romance and passion alive and blooming long after the thrill of being in love dies down.

You can call this “keeping the spark alive” in relationships, but for purposes of dating advice, I’d like to call it “keeping the chase.”

Let him pull away — and trust that he will be back.

If you need to get a life separate from him, respect the fact that he also needs to get a life separate from you.

Let him do things that make him happy — things that he has always enjoyed doing, long before you got into the picture. He doesn’t need your approval. You just let him be.

Make it about him. If he is the type of person who enjoys going to the gym a few times each week and would prefer it over watching a movie with you on a Friday night, let him be. It isn’t a reflection of how he doesn’t want to spend time with you, it’s simply doing something for himself — the same way you’d need to spend several hours in the salon for pampering, for example. You should see this video to learn more




I am a life and dating coach, i created a blog to help people to improve their relationships